Concerto di Natale 2022

8:45 PM
Monday, Dec 12, 2022 • 8:45 PM
2 years ago
Basilica of Saint Anthony
Piazza del Santo, 11 35123, Padua (PD), Italy
Concerto di Natale 2022

Concerto di Natale 2022

Filippo Maria Bressan Direttore
Paola Valentina Molinari Soprano

Georg Friedrich Händel

Arie dall'Oratorio "Messiah"
Concerto Grosso op.3 n. 2

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Sonate da chiesa K 329 e K 278

Joseph Haydn

Sinfonia n. 90

Con il sostegno di Provincia di Padova , Comune di Padova , Regione del Veneto , Ministero della Cultura e Fondazione Cariparo

Basilica di Sant'Antonio, Padova

Gli inviti gratuiti per il Concerto di Natale saranno in distribuzione da lunedì 5 dicembre 2022 presso il Ticket Office OPV in via Breda 17, Padova (ore 10-13 e 15-17).

Per gli abbonati alla Stagione 2022/2023 saranno in distribuzione al Teatro Verdi in occasione dei concerti del 24 novembre e 7 dicembre.

Know someone who might be interested? Share a link to this event via email, Whatsapp, Facebook or Twitter.


Basilica of Saint Anthony

Piazza del Santo, 11 35123
Padua (PD), Veneto, Italy
Basilica of Saint Anthony


Basilica of Saint Anthony

One of the most famous and visited sanctuaries in the world and a testament of art decorated by Giotto, Giusto de' Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, and Jacopo Avanzi

The Monastery of Saint Anthony


The Monastery of Saint Anthony

Once the humble dwelling of Saint Anthony, the Friary developed over the centuries into the five splendid cloisters located on the southern side of the Basilica.

  • Once the humble dwelling of Saint Anthony, the Friary developed over the centuries into the five splendid cloisters located on the southern side of the Basilica.

  • One of the most famous and visited sanctuaries in the world and a testament of art decorated by Giotto, Giusto de' Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, and Jacopo Avanzi

  • Piazza del Santo is a miniature citadel sheltered by the splendid masterpieces of the Oratory of Saint George and the Gattamelata statue.

  • An aristocratic family mausoleum decorated by Altichiero da Zevio with frescoes depicting scenes from the Life of Christ and of Saint George

  • The oldest Heritage Garden in the world, home to over 6,000 different plant specimens and the futuristic Garden of Biodiversity