Incontri per la libertà con Matteo Gracis

8:00 PM
Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022 • 8:00 PM
1 year ago
Hotel Alexander Palace
via Martiri d'Ungheria, 24, Abano Terme (PD), Italy
Incontri per la libertà con Matteo Gracis

Incontri per la libertà con Matteo Gracis

Con enorme piacere vi annunciamo la serata con il giornalista e pensatore libero MATTEO GRACIS

Hotel Alexander Palace, Abano Terme (PD)
21 DICEMBRE 2022 ore 20:00.

CHIAMA o SCRIVI ai seguenti numeri per prenotare il tuo posto

Fabiola - 393 4614915

Alan - 328 3015593

Barbara - 340 0568008

Donazione min. 10€

Segui il nostro canale di Italiani Liberi

Oppure il nostro sito

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Hotel Alexander Palace

via Martiri d'Ungheria, 24
Abano Terme (PD), Veneto, Italy
  • Villa Molin is a patrician residence in the neighborhood of Mandria, in Ponte della Cagna, south of Padua. It was designed for Nicolò Molin, a Venetian noble, by Vincenzo Scamozzi and completed in 1597.

  • The remarkable Baroque garden of Villa Barbarigo has been described as "The Small Versailles - The Pearl of the Euganean Hills"

  • A historical church decorated by Jacopo da Verona with frescoes inspired by the Gospels, episodes from daily life, and portraits of leading figures of fourteenth-century Padua

  • La Specola has been the astronomical observatory of Padua since 1765, built in the tower of Castelvecchio, the ancient castle of the city and the pride of medieval Padua.

  • Prato della Valle in Padua is one of the most spectacular squares in the world and, with its 90,000 square meters, is one of the largest in Europe.

Organizer of Incontri per la libertà con Matteo Gracis

ITA.LI – Italiani Liberi