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Visit to the Francescan Complex of Padua
Visit to the Francescan Complex of Padua
Chiesa di San Francesco
222 m
The Tomb of Antenor is a monumental medieval shrine built to hold the sarcophagus of Antenor, a legendary Trojan prince who founded Padua.
329 m
The Palazzo del Bo in Padua is a fifteenth-century complex and the historic seat of the University of Padua, one of the oldest universities in the world.
331 m
Piazza del Santo is a miniature citadel sheltered by the splendid masterpieces of the Oratory of Saint George and the Gattamelata statue.
Once the humble dwelling of Saint Anthony, the Friary developed over the centuries into the five splendid cloisters located on the southern side of the Basilica.
One of the most famous and visited sanctuaries in the world and a testament of art decorated by Giotto, Giusto de' Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, and Jacopo Avanzi