Dominik Carevic Guitar Solo Recital

Organized by Barco Teatro
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Sunday, Feb 2, 2020 • 5:30 – 7:00 PM
5 years ago
Barco Teatro
via Orto Botanico 12, Padua (PD), Italy
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Dominik Carevic Guitar Solo Recital

Dominik Carevic Guitar Solo Recital

Concerto solistico di chitarra classica. In programma musiche di Telemann, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Piazzolla, Walton, Vassilev.
Introduzione alle musiche di Alessandro Tommasi.

Biglietti interi € 10,00 ridotti (studenti) € 5,00

Prenotazione dei posti a:
- tel. 3755764000

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Barco Teatro

via Orto Botanico 12
Padua (PD), Veneto, Italy
  • An aristocratic family mausoleum decorated by Altichiero da Zevio with frescoes depicting scenes from the Life of Christ and of Saint George

  • The oldest Heritage Garden in the world, home to over 6,000 different plant specimens and the futuristic Garden of Biodiversity

  • One of the most famous and visited sanctuaries in the world and a testament of art decorated by Giotto, Giusto de' Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, and Jacopo Avanzi

  • Once the humble dwelling of Saint Anthony, the Friary developed over the centuries into the five splendid cloisters located on the southern side of the Basilica.

  • Piazza del Santo is a miniature citadel sheltered by the splendid masterpieces of the Oratory of Saint George and the Gattamelata statue.

Organizer of Dominik Carevic Guitar Solo Recital

Barco Teatro